Reasonable Suspicion Training: Sept. 29th

brought to you by BRiDGES

New York Marijuana Use Law and What it Means for Your Organization

On March 31, 2021, New York became the 15th state to legalize recreational marijuana. The legislation has wide-ranging implications for employers, impacting employee discipline, reasonable accommodations for employees, changes to policies and protocols, etc. This program will provide practical suggestions and techniques for complying with the law while recognizing and dealing with issues of marijuana impairment in the workplace.

Reasonable Suspicion Training

When should you send an employee for testing for alcohol or drugs? What are the major signs of current impairment? This program will answer these and many other questions pertaining to drug and alcohol use in the workplace. Learn to recognize signs of long-term and recent use. Learn how to properly document these incidents, how to confront the employee and avoid violating any laws in the process.

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***If you are a representative/employee of a company served by BRiDGES EAP, please DO NOT fill out this registration form. Please reach out to Shayne Anderson at [email protected] to register. ***

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