Quit Smoking
You Can Do It – BRiDGES Can Help
Smoking Cessation Services
BRiDGES offers smoking cessation services for individuals and groups in Madison County. Smoking Cessation Specialist’s can help individuals interested in quitting smoking develop a plan that will assist them in meeting their goals.
For more information call BRiDGES at 315-697-3947.
You can also get help to quit smoking by calling the New York State Quitline at 1-866-NY-QUITS (1-866-697-8487) or go to their website at www.nysmokefree.com.

The American Lung Association’s Freedom From Smoking® program is for tobacco users who are ready to quit. Because most people already know that smoking is bad for their health, the program focuses almost exclusively on how to quit, not why to quit.
The Freedom From Smoking® Group Clinic will give you the knowledge and tools to overcome your tobacco addiction and quit smoking for good so you can enjoy better health, extra money in your pocket and many other rewards.
Over the course of eight sessions led by a facilitator, clinic participants work through the quitting process together. Eight weeks may sound like a lot of time but research has proven that the more time a tobacco user spends in a supportive situation while trying to quit, the more likely they are to succeed. People who use the Freedom From Smoking Group Clinic are six times more likely to be smokefree one year later than those who try to quit on their own.