Advancing Tobacco Free Communities
In Madison, Oneida & Herkimer Counties
BRiDGES’ Advancing Tobacco Free Communities Program is a community partnership grant funded by the New York State Department of Health Bureau of Tobacco Control (BTC) made up of two main components, Community Engagement and Reality Check. These components work together, seeking to build healthier communities through tobacco-free living in Oneida, Madison, and Herkimer Counties. We have several initiatives and efforts to help us work towards our goal of bettering lives and communities.
Valarie Webb, Lead Coordinator – Reality Check: [email protected]
Samantha Dartt, Tobacco Control Specialist: [email protected]

Tobacco Free Stores
An initiative to reduce the impact of retail tobacco marketing on youth.
Tobacco Free Outdoors
An initiative to increase tobacco free outdoor policies, including tobacco free worksites, parks, playgrounds, beaches, municipal property, entryways, colleges, universities, and other outdoor public areas.
Smoke Free Movies
An initiative to focus on Rating R with movies depicting smoking in them
Smoke Free Housing
An iniative is to decrease secondhand smoke exposure in multi-unit housing, with an emphasis on policies that protect the health of low-income residents.
Reality Check Youth Program: Ages 13-18
Reality Check is New York State’s youth led movement aimed at exposing the deceptive marketing practices of the tobacco industry.
Reality Check provides you with an opportunity to meet new people, make new friends, and gain experience in the areas of government, social justice, media, public speaking, event planning, health, and so much more.
If you want to make a difference in your community and help to create a healthier community Reality Check is a group for you to get involved in. Complete the following Reality Check Registration form and return it to us today!
But if you are not a teen and you want to help don’t despair! We have opportunities for you as well. So please contact us at [email protected] and find us on Facebook .
“Reality Check is a program that has helped me to become more confident in myself as I have learned the skills to communicate with elected officials, the media, and key leaders in my community. It is also a great feeling to know that I am making a difference in my community by helping it to become a healthier place.” Brennan Hysell, 16, from Madison, NY