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Journal Prompts

  • “What if everything goes RIGHT?”
  • If you could wave a magic wand and your anxiety was gone…what will you do differently? What will you start doing/stop doing? What will you do more of/less of? How will you treat yourself and others?
  • Make a list of all your worries. Are they internal or external? Real or imagined?
  • When do I feel safe and secure?
  • How does Anxiety feel in your body? For example Anxiety can result in cold or tingly hands, increased heart rate, and racing thoughts.
  • When are times you have been successful despite feeling anxious?
  • Think back to a moment when you experienced failure. What lessons can you take from it?
  • List down the questions that are constantly running through your head right now
  • What is it that you need to let go of? Write your reasons for holding on to it.
  • Visualize that you are free from anxiety. Write down the details of this kind of life.
  • Create a list of affirmations and repeat when your anxiety spikes.
  • What are some self-care ideas for when I’m feeling overwhelmed?
  • What is something I can look forward to every single day?
  • Today, I am so grateful for…
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